Thursday, 21 March 2013

Room 11's topic

In Room 11 for the past week we have been working on our new topic, so far we have started talking about exporting and importing finding what countries foods come from and how long it takes them to get here.E.g. Eve apples they come from Nelson, Bluebird chips come from Auckland we have also been thinking about what other foods come into New Zealand like Bananas they come from another country. We have also been looking at fair trade what do they make so we set out to discover this. Jonty and I found out they sell sports gear, clothes,food e.g. frozen yogurt and they also sell foot lotion so I am really looking forward to discovering more

about this topic and where most of this food comes from
We have started researching for our poster or digital presentations which I have started with my digital power point and so far I have found out that Bananas and coffee are the best selling products with the bananas reaching half a billion U.K pounds wow I also found out that that there are 25 fair trade organisations which have been around since 1980 so I'm looking forward to presenting my  power point to the class before the Easter break. Buy fair trade so growers and pickers get a fair deal!

1 comment:

  1. A very good introduction to our class topic Cameron. Well done for adding the Fair Trade logo to your blog. Did you discover yet what the logo means?

    This week we are learning about why the Fair Trade Organisation is important, especially to growers and pickers around the world. We are also finding out how consumers can make a difference.

    I'm looking forward to reading your learning journey on this topic and your understandings around the Economic World.
