Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Central cup

On wednesday 15th August 2012 Winton schools year 5-8 and some year 4's took part in Central cup. Centrel cup is when diffrent schools meat up to play a sport the sports were soccer , rugby, netball or hockey , the schools were Hillside, St thomases, Drummond,Hedonbush,Winton and lochial. This day was about having fun and working as a team but my team in soccer lost every game we played and I got winded when Andrew kicked the ball into my cheast, at least I got back on at the end of the half and Igot some jelly beans. And at the end of the day I bowled someone bigger than me over and I also wasn't winded.


  1. Great post Cameron.But you missed out lime hills when you where listing the teams
