Wednesday, 27 February 2013

term 1 week 4 reflection\ video of the week

this week in room 11 we have started reading novels  my groups novel is called this land home we also did quite a bit of art e.g. we have drawn the nose onto our picture. Andrew and I also had Rec shed.And with athletics training at home I have been practising high jump and I jumped quite high in because I JUMPED AS HIGH AS MY SISTER! Now for the video of the week its a cute one Taylor Swift trouble goat style

bitesise results

Home > Maths > Measures > Measures

Use of measure - Answers

You scored 8 out of 10
Which is the most appropriate unit of weight for the weight of a ship?
You said — Tonnes
The weight of a ship is measured in tonnes.
Which is the most appropriate unit of weight for the weight of a bag of sweets?
You said — Grams
A bag of sweets is measured in grams.
Which of the following is most likely to be the diameter of a dinner plate?
You said — 50cm
A dinner plate is most likely to have a diameter of 25cm.
What is the approximate distance from London to Edinburgh?
You said — 400 miles
The distance from London to Edinburgh is approximately 400 miles.
What is the reading on this scale?
Shows a scale, between 70 and 80, divided by 9 lines. The arrow is pointing to the 4th line.
You said — 74
You saw that each division was equal to 1.
What is the reading on this scale?
A dial with the numbers 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 marked. Between each ten, there are 4 dividing lines. The arrow points to the 2nd dividing line bewteen 60 and 70.
You said — 64
You saw that there were five divisions between 60 and 70, and that each division was equal to 2.
What is the reading on this scale?
You said — 9.6
You saw that each division was equal to 0.2.
What is the reading on this scale?
shows a scale with the numbers 1 and 2 marked. Between 1 and 2, the line is divided 4 times. The arrow points to the third dividing line.
You said — 1.75
You noticed that there were four divisions between 1 and 2.
Steve buys 20 bottles of Fizzypop. Each bottle contains 250ml. How many litres does he buy?
You said — 5
Steve buys 5 litres of Fizzypop.
Use the conversion graph to complete the following: 2 inches =
Graph shows that 2.5cm is approximately inch, 5cm is approximately 2 inches, 7.5cm is approximately 3 inches.
You said — 6
2 inches is approximately 5cm. 

I got 8\10 for this test

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Term 1 week 3 reflection

This week in room 11 we had a lot of things to do e.g. art, maths in maths we are doing measurement in maths  today we started perimeter and finished ml and l units oh and I have also found out how funny Jonty can really be and I have hurt my leg in high jump but I am looking forward to touch tomorrow but to finish off the week I would like to show you a great and inspirational song by James Arthur  hope you enjoy it. A song called impossible.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

chat websites to go on if your not old enough to have a facebook

here are some chat websites to go on when your board on a rainy day go on one of these chat websites,


Who has trouble with basic facts because I am going to show you helpful websites to help you try, or try

Monday, 18 February 2013

This is a funny video to see who is annoying est person so if you could vote for which one is most annoying

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Our topic leadership

this year as year eight we have a responsibility that responsibility is being the leaders of the school and then Ms Mynes showed us a video of a pep talk so here it is

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Room 11 smarts

In room 11 we have started learning about smarts I have changed because I was a naturalist and now since we have taken the test again I turnout to be a music smart I am happy because I love listening to music I would love to play guitar and I also an OK singer. But mostly everyone was the opposite to what I was.
Ms Mynes is also going to change our desk group so that we are with people that are not like us with the smarts. So then I took the test and it turned out that I was about the only boy who turned out a music smart.

treaty of Waitangi

For homework this week we were asked about what we understand about the treaty of Waitangi and what we are still confused about, well I know that the English wanted the land, but I am still confused about what they wanted the land for. I know that they singed the treaty but I am still confused about how they translated it into Maori. And I know that they changed the flag but why did they have to change the flag when it was so awesome in the first place.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

My first week as year 8

Last week in year 8 we started our new topic Leadership and we also started sci tech I am in science and we are talking about the three states of matter gas, liquid and solids and we had to group some objects to see if they were liquids, solids and gasses. We also have to run the rec shed\ PE shed. Andrew and I ran it on Friday  and also a ball exploded in my friends face so lets hope that the rest of the year is as good as the first week of school with the president and vice president.