Thursday, 5 December 2013


On Monday 2nd of December all the year 8's from Blue Mountain College piled onto a bus for the long trip to the Punowheua in the Catlin's after having a dislocated finger on the Friday I thought this would be the worst camp ever  but it turned out awesome thanks to two year twelves Brooke and Ryan so at Kaka point our last stop before the campsite we went swimming in the sea. Later on after we got to the camp we unpacked the bus and got ready for the long walk up Jakob's hill and while I was walking down the road back to the the campsite I saw two people waiting for me it was Ryan and Sean to come. For tea that night we had sausages then it was pretty much bed after desert and a bit of down time it was time for bed the first night when everyone was in the cabin so we got kept up by James half the night so we went to sleep while i tried to stop singing the Cammy cam song .On Tuesday we all woke up to screaming boys and a megaphone so we got up and made our way to the dining hall for our breakfast  toast. After breakfast we did our duties and got ready for the the long day ahead for me that meant eating lollies on orienteering and getting more lollies on abseiling with a dislocated finger from getting encouraged lots by my whole team going down and watched half the year go off camping before we went swimming well not really if you call jumping off a bridge swimming for 20 mins. after walking back to camp with Brooke and Ryan we had down time and tea where we he had nachos and had a sculling comp with George which eventually made me and George feel sick and it didn't help that we had fear factor straight after where we had to drink vinegar mixed with tomato eat a dry wheat bix and porridge and then spun around a mop 10 times and then ran and had to try get apples out of the bucket and also a squid and finally ran to the end and dunked your face in flour to get a chocolate fish. We played games after and then went floundering for a while and came back went to bed and went to sleep . The next day after breakfast and duties we went to our first activity which was kayaking  where i jumped off the bridge and had a massive mud fight with Angus and got mud in my ear and hair so i know i needed a good shower back at camp also to get the flour out of my hair from the night before. After my shower i headed to the dining room for lunch. AFTER lunch we went to camp cooking where we cooked paua, twisters, pickets and cockles and headed back to camp to go get ready for  camp out for our group which was lucky because that meant i got to spend time with my best friend Jakob who i camped with also with my other friend Jackson where we had an amazing dinner and we made a great bivlewak  then had mores and went to bed. In the morning we woke up to the sound of birds and more pork's  and walked back to camp with Jakob telling him who i like from BMC and we took a different route and ended up being one of the last ones back to  camp where we got bacon and spaghetti. After that we had lots of camp concert prep and lunch .After lunch we prepped veggies for tea and done the amazing race and then had more concert prep had tea and then had camp concert where i got a very warm welcome onto stage where I sung rocking with u and then thanked Ryan for helping on camp and then at desert Ryan said that if we stay up we have to drink fear factor drink and later on all the boy leaders came into our room cause they were hurting  Jack and Liam and we played truth or dear and Jack tried to come onto my bed well he got what he deserved at night and in the morning but he sprayed me with sun screen and Ryan was trying to guess who I liked he guessed the endbut me and Jakob said it wasn't her then we stopped at Kaka Point for lunch and then drove home sharing lollies with Connor,Rachel and Courtney and thats about all so heres a song i sung on camp.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

my week\s

Ok sorry i haven't been posting for a while i thought it was time for a catch up so in the past few weeks we have had it really easy I had the beep test,we are doing  weird things in the world and I'm doing weird disappearances at sea and i found a really mysterious article about a ship the Mary Celeste, and also we had speeches and i got 87% out of 100% and got a merit so i'm pleased about that,I'm also nearly finished my bag in home EC, we have planted plants in science i called mine Thomas and i also made a poster on a planet and i picked the planet Saturn because that planet really interested in taking on that planet. The worst thing this week was that it was my last period of music but we are playing sing star next week and also we are having a shared lunch right before we go to camp in two weeks time and we might have a new kid starting in our class next week so we'll have a class of 25 students and to finish off the week on a really high note its finally song time again so here we go.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

my holidays

Hi guys sorry i haven't posted in ages because I've been loaded with homework and been working the thing I have been working on most is my speech which i will do on the 2nd week next term the other homework i had to do was social studies and music luckily i have finished all that now and need to relax more and also i've been watching the best movie in the world with my favourite actor in it so its time for a song that means a lot to me.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

my week

This week I played rugby in the cold rain stupid idea we also have to make a diary of our life in a medieval time which is turning out to be a good experience for me we are learning about lords king nobles and villeins and the black death so i am really looking forward to learning more about it in the future so here is a song

Saturday, 31 August 2013

My amazing week NOT!

This week has been pretty sad on monday i was in invercargall and went to winton for a catch up on Tuesday I was sick on wednesday and thursday i was at school and on friday I was back down in winton for the funaral of my brothers best mate where I picked up a horrible cough so I might not be going to school tomorrow

Monday, 19 August 2013